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Easter Term






30 April 2014

Dr Maksymilian Del Mar
Queen Mary University of London

"Mainly Optimistic: Neil MacCormick on Politics in the European Union"


7 May 2014

Prof Dr Carl Baudenbacher President EFTA Court

"Decentered Integration"


Not recorded


14 May 2014

Dr Julian Ghosh QC
Pump Court Chambers

"The Internal Market Case Law: A Tax Perspective; A Critique of a 'Two Country' Approach and Mutual Recognition"



Lent Term






22 January 2014

Antonio Sainz de Vicuna
Former General Counsel, ECB

"Selected Legal Issues in the Projected European Banking Union"


Not recorded


29 January 2014

Dr Niamh Dunne
Cambridge University

"The Role of Private Enforcement within EU Competition Law"


5 February 2014

Professor Ingeborg Schwenzer
University of Basel

"Regional and Global Unification of Contract Law"


12 February 2014

Professor Tatjana Josipovic
University of Zagreb

"Consumer Protection in EU Residential Mortgage Markets - Towards Common EU Rules on Mortgages in the Mortgage Credit Directive"


19 February 2014

Dr Virginia Mantouvalou
University College London

"Is there a Human Right to Work?"


26 February 2014

Niall Lenihan

"How has the EU Protected Depositors in the Financial Crisis?"


Not recorded


5 March 2014

Victoria Wakefield
Brick Court Chambers

"Enhanced Cooperation"


Not recorded


12 March 2014

Dr Elisa Morgera
University of Edinburgh

"The Interaction between the EU's Exernal Environmental Policy and International Environmental Law: Can the Concept of Benefit-Sharing Address Legitimacy Concerns?"




Michaelmas Term






9 October 2013

Andriana Sukova-Tosheva
European Commission

"Practical Aspects of Negotiations among EU Institutions Under the Lisbon Treaty"



16 October 2013

Dr Anca Chirita
Durham Law School

"The Impact of the European Union Current Crisis on Law, Policy and Society"



23 October 2013

Professor Kenneth Armstrong
Cambridge University

"The Crisis and Representation in Europe: Revisiting European Democracy and its Critique" (Brown Bag lunch)

  Not recorded

30 October 2012

Dr Ariane Wiedmann
Federal Ministry of Economics and Technlogy

"Litigation before the Court of Justice of the European Union - from the Perspective of the Federal Republic of Germany"

  Not recorded

6 November 2013

Dr Amy Ludlow
Cambridge University

"The Public Procurement Rules in Action: an Empirical Exploration of Social Impact and Ideology"



13 November 2013

Louise Heenan
Cambridge Alumni

"The Operation of the EU Legislative Process"

  Not recorded

14 November 2013

Dr Norbert Varga
University of Szeged, Hungary

"Citizenship in Europe or European Citizenship: Development of the Concept of Citizenship"

  Not recorded

20 November 2013

Daniel Sarmiento Ramirez-Escudero
Référendaire, CJEU

"Who’s Afraid of the Charter? The European Court of Justice, National Courts and the New Framework of Fundamental Rights Protection in Europe"



27 November 2013

Dr Justine Pila
Oxford University

"The Court of Justice and Intellectual Property"

  Not recorded

4 December 2013

Dr Mark Flear
Queens University Belfast

"Offshoring Clinical Trials: The Mutable Ethics, Weak Protections and Vulnerable Subjects of EU Law"



Not recorded