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Cambridge Centre for European Legal Studies (CELS) PodcastCELS runs a series of seminars which are delivered either in-person or via online webinar during the Michaelmas and Lent terms. These seminars provide a platform for the presentation of new ideas by leading scholars from inside and outside the university. The seminars address topical issues of European Union Law and Comparative Law, with a view to using collective debate as a forum for developing and disseminating ideas, and producing high quality research publications which contribute to an understanding of major issues in the European Union. There is a close link between the CELS seminars and the Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies (CYELS). Papers generated from many of these seminars are published as articles in the CYELS.

These events are open to members of the University and to the general public (unless otherwise stated). Registration details are available below. There is no charge to attend the seminar.

Subject to speaker consent, the lecture component for seminars will be made available to watch on a YouTube playlist, or as an audio podcast on most popular podcast platforms. You can subscribe to the 'Cambridge Centre for European Legal Studies (CELS) Podcast' on iTunes or other podcast platforms for automatic download to your iTunes library, or an RSS feed is available for use on other platforms.


Seminar Programme

Lent Term 2025



Title/Further Information 

Recording / resources

5 February 2025

1pm, G24 and online 

Professor Orla Lynskey
University College London 

'Digital Empire or Fiefdoms? The Role of 'the EU' as a Digital Power'

Digital Empire or Fiefdoms? The Role of 'the EU' as a Digital Power


'Digital Empire or Fiefdoms? The Role of 'the EU' as a Digital Power' slides

26 February 2025

1pm, G24 and online

Dr Dorota Leczykiewicz
University of Oxford 
'On Uses and Misuses of the ‘General Principles’ Doctrine in EU Law'

5 March 2025 

1pm, G24 and online

Professor Kelvin HF Kwok
University of Hong Kong 
'Buyer Exploitative Abuse: In Search of Legal Solutions'  

12 March 2025

1pm, G24 and online 

Dr Bernadette Zelger
University of Innsbruck 
'The Future of the European Union: Socio-Economic and Political Challenges to its Legal-Constitutional Framework'  


Michaelmas Term 2024



Title/Further Information 

Recording / resources

6 November 2024

1pm, G24 and online

Professor Barend van Leeuwen
Durham University

'The Familiapress Dilemma: The Horizontal Application, Horizontal Direct Effect and Horizontal Enforcement of the Free Movement Provisions'

The Familiapress Dilemma: The Horizontal Application, Horizontal Direct Effect and Horizontal Enforcement of the Free Movement Provisions


13 November 2024

1pm, G24 and online

Professor Thomas Ackermann
LMU Munich 
'Digital Markets and Democracy: EU Competition Law in Search of a New Role' Not recorded

20 November 2024

1pm, G24 and online

Dr Andriani Kalintiri 
King’s College London 
'EU Antitrust Law’s Resilience: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly'

EU Antitrust Law’s Resilience: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly


'EU Antitrust Law’s Resilience: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly' slides

Enquiries to

Further information on upcoming seminars can be found in the Events Calendar.

Previous seminar series are also available.