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Michaelmas Term




Wednesday 12 October 2005

Prof Alan Dashwood
(Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge)

The EU Constitutional Treaty - Is it dead?  Should we mourn it?  Is there a life after death for it?

Wednesday 19 October 2005

Prof John Spencer
(Selwyn College, Cambridge)

The European Evidence Warrant

Wednesday 26 October 2005

Dr Bartlomiej Kurcz
(European Commission, DG Competition)

How selective is selectivity? Recent developments in European state aid law

Wednesday 2 November 2005

Ms Nina Boeger
(Univeristy of Bristol)

Public Services in the EU Internal Market

Wednesday 9 November 2005

Mr Damian Chalmers
(London School of Economics)

Public Politics and Private Power in EU Law

Thursday 17 November 2005

Judge Nicholas Forwood
(Court of First Instance of the European Communities)

Terrorist asset-freezing - EU and International Law at Odds?

Wednesday 23 November 2005

Dr Niamh Nic Shuibne
(The University of Edinburgh)

Derogating from the Free Movement of Persons

Lent Term




Wednesday 25 January 2006

Professor Cheryl Saunders
(Arthur Goodhart Visiting Professor of Legal Science, Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge & University of Melbourne)

Democracy, transparency and the demise of the Constitution


Wednesday 1 February 2006

Professor David Ibbetson
(Corpus Christi College, Cambridge)

A Lesson from History: the Collapse of the European Ius Commune


Wednesday 8 February 2006

Professor Malcolm Evans
(University of Bristol)

Of more than symbolic significance: Headscarves before the European Court of Human Rights

Wednesday 15 February 2006



Wednesday 22 February 2006

Mr Nick Barber
(Trinity College, Oxford)

Why isn’t the EU a State?

Thursday 23 February 2006

Professor Sir David Edward
(Former judge at the ECJ)

Open Discussion about Current Developments in the EU

Wednesday 1 March 2006

Dr Ioannis Lianos
(University College London)

Intellectual Property and Competition Law: Is the Property Rights Approach Right?

Wednesday 8 March 2006

Dr Harm Schepel
(University of Kent)

In search of the "public" in European economic law

Wednesday 15 March 2006

Dr Christoph Kletzer
(Queens’ College, Cambridge)

Alexandre Kojève’s Hegelianism and the Formation of Europe