Article 218 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union sets out the EU's rules for conducting negotiations with third parties. It applies to negotiations between the EU and one or more non-member states or international organisations.
In these Turbo Talks, leading academic commentators from the University of Cambridge highlight the issues facing the UK as it seeks to negotiate a Brexit agreement in the wake of the 'leave' result of the referendum on EU membership.
This collection will continue to grow as the negotiations continue. New videos will be posted here, or you can subscribe to the YouTube playlist if you wish to be notified when they are released.
This series have been created and produced by Daniel Bates and Amy Ludlow.
Clarifying the UK’s position in the WTO

In this video, Dr Lorand Bartels considers the position of the UK within the WTO, clarifying that the UK is an original member of the WTO, and in many respects the position remains the same notwithstanding the Brexit process. He discusses the rights, and also the obligations, of WTO membership.
Trading places: avoiding controls after Brexit

In this video, Dr Lorand Bartels discusses the time pressures on the negotiation of the Brexit deal, and how this might affect the political decisions with regards any potential transitional arrangements for trade.
Lost in transition: The Brexit time clock is ticking

In this video, Professor Kenneth Armstrong discusses the trade aspects of the Brexit negotiation process, the effects of being in a customs union, and what the effect of reverting to WTO rules might be.
Repeal, convert, correct: the UK and the Great Repeal Bill

In this video, Professor Catherine Barnard explains the aims and the objectives of the 'Great Repeal Bill' and how it might function.