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Seminar Programme for 2014-2015

Easter Term






6 May 2015

Pablo Fernández Carballo-Calero
University of Vigo (Spain)/CELS Visiting Scholar

Brown bag lunch: "The Regulation of Aggressive Commercial Practices in the European Union"


Not recorded



Lent Term






21 January 2015

Louise Halleskov Storgaard
Aarhus University

"Opinion 2/13 on EU Accession to the ECHR"


28 January 2015

Marios Costa
City University London

"Accountability through Transparency and the Role of the Court of Justice"


4 February 2015

Professor Sionaidh Douglas-Scott (University of Oxford), Professor Steve Peers (University of Essex), Professor Catherine Barnard and Dr Alicia Hinarejos (University of Cambridge)

CELS Panel Discussion: "After Opinion 2/13: the Autonomy of EU Law v. ECHR Accession"


11 February 2015

Jeremias Prassl
Oxford University

"Freedom of Contract in EU Law: from General Principle to Fundamental Right?"


18 February 2015

Oana Stefan
Kings College London

"European Union Soft Law: Taking Stock of the Transparency Paradox"



25 February 2015

Rosa Greaves
University of Glasgow

"Article 101 TFEU and Maritime Information Exchange Agreements"


Not recorded

4 March 2015


Marcin Wujczyk
Jagiellonian University, Poland

"The Anti-Discriminatory Regulations in Employment - Polish Perspective"



Michaelmas Term






15 October 2014

Federico Fabbrini
Tilburg University

"Changing Policy by Changing Institutions? Austerity, Horizontal Federalism and the Strengthening of the Presidency of the European Council"

22 October 2014

Rebecca Zahn
University of Stirling

"EU Enlargement During Times of Crisis: What Future for Freedom of Movement and EU Integration?’"

29 October 2014

Christina Fasone
European University Institute

"The Implications of the Euro-Crisis Law on the Relationship between Constitutional Courts and Legislatures in Comparative Perspective"

5 November 2014

Mark Dawson
Hertie School of Governance

"From Balance to Conflict: European Constitutionalism after the Crisis"


12 November 2014

Alberto Alemanno
HEC, Paris

"How to Promote Regulatory Cooperation across the Atlantic?
New Ideas for the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)"


19 November 2014

Marcus Klamert
University of Vienna

"Variants of Harmonisation in the Internal Market"


26 November 2014

Elaine Fahey
City University London

"The Global Reach and Effects of EU Law: Between Methodologies and Constructs"