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Michaelmas Term




Wednesday 16 October 2002

Professor Alan Dashwood (Sidney Sussex College, University of Cambridge)

A Constitutional Treaty for Europe

Wednesday 23 October 2002

Mr Angus Johnston (Trinity Hall, University of Cambridge)

Energy Law and the EU

Wednesday 30 October 2002

Mr Michael Cardwell (University of Leeds)

The New European Model of Agriculture and World Trade

Wednesday 6 November 2002

Professor John Bell (Director, CELS)

Models of Lay Justice in Western Europe

Wednesday 13 November 2002

Dr Soren Schonberg (European Commission)

Recent Developments in standing before the European courts

Wednesday 27 November 2002

Ms Eleanor Spaventa (New Hall, University of Cambridge)

The Mysteries of Mandatory Requirements

Wednesday 4 December 2002

Dr Antonio Sainz de Vicuna (Director General, Legal Services, European Central Bank), Dr Mica Panic (Department of Economics, University of Cambridge), Dr Helen Thompson (Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Cambridge)

Workshop on the Implications of the Euro

Lent Term

Wednesday 22 January 2003

Professor Wolfgang Ernst (Goodhart Professor, Cambridge)

The New German Law of Breach of Contracts

Wednesday 29 January 2003

Professor Christian Joerges (European University Institute)

Law, Economy and Politics in the Process of Constitutionalising Europe

Wednesday 5 February 2003

Ms Amandine Garde (Selwyn College, University of Cambridge)

Harmonisation and the European Court of Justice: The Question of Competence Revisited

Wednesday 12 February 2003

Professor Jo Shaw (University of Manchester)

Electoral Rights and EU Citizens

Wednesday 26 February 2003

Dr Jane Holder (University College London)

Citizenship, the Environment and Community

Wednesday 5 March 2003

Charlotte Villiers (University of Bristol)

The European Approach to International Convergence: Ways of Avoiding Enron

Wednesday 12 March 2003

Professor Philip Allott (Trinity College, University of Cambridge)

After America? Europe's Place in a New World Order

The papers resulting from these seminars will be published in the CYELS Vol.5, available in spring 2004

12.45 pm - 2 pm Venue (unless otherwise stated): Lecture Room B16, Faculty of Law