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Michaelmas Term




13 October 2004

Professor Alan Dashwood
(Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge)

The EU Constitution is not a blueprint for a superstate

20 October 2004

Professor David Feldman
(Downing College, Cambridge)

European human rights and constitution-building in a post-conflict society: the case of Bosnia and Herzegovina

27 October 2004

Dr Guy Harpaz
(University of Haifa)

EU-Israeli Trade Relations

3 November 2004

Professor Esin Orücü
(University of Glasgow)

Comparative Law and the Rhetoric and Reality ofConvergence

10 November 2004

Judge David Edward
(Formerly Judge of the ECJ)

How has Community law changed the legal landscape?

17 November 2004

Dr Oke Odudu
(Kings College London)

Who is subject to Community competition law?

24 November 2004

Dr Amandine Garde
(Simmonds & Simmonds, London)

'We are what we eat': the Community's fight againstobesity

1 December 2004

Dr Paula Giliker
(St Hilda's College,Oxford)

Comparative Tort Law

Lent Term

26 January 2005

Mr Kenneth Armstrong
(Queen Mary, University of London)

Integrating the Open Method into Integration Theory

2 February 2005

Ms Imelda Maher
(London School of Economics)

The Interface of EC Competition Law and Intellectual Property Rights: The Essential and the Innovative

9 February 2005

Professor Stefan Vogenauer
(University of Oxford)

Towards a European Legal Method

16 February 2005

Professor Hugh Collins
(London School of Economics)

Harmonisation of European Contract Law: Citizenship, Diversity, and Effectiveness

23 February 2005

Mr Josh Holmes
(Monckton Chambers & King's College, London)

Public services in the EU

2 March 2005

Professor Adam Tomkins
(School of Law, University of Glasgow)


The Future of Political Accountability in the E


9 March 2005

Professor Paul Davies
(London School of Economics)

Where is European Company Law going?

16 March 2005


12.45 pm - 2 pm Venue (unless otherwise stated): Lecture Room B16, Faculty of Law