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Seminar Programme for 2015-2016

Lent Term






27 January 2016

Mr Niall O’Connor
University of Cambridge

"Runners and Riders: The Horsemeat Scandal and the Free Movement of Goods in the European Union"


Not recorded

10 February 2016 Dr András Csúri
University of Vienna
"The Proposed European Public Prosecutor - from a Trojan Horse to a White Elephant?"  

17 February 2016

Aidan O'Neill
Matrix Chambers

"(Dis)enfranchisement and the Exercise of Free Movement Rights"

2 March 2016

Nicolas Rennuy
University of Cambridge

"EU Law and Welfare Benefits: Three Models of Transnational Solidarity"


  Not recorded

7 March 2016

Daniel Muhall
Irish Ambassador to the UK

"The UK's future in Europe: Implications for Ireland"



9 March 2016

Dr Martin Steinfeld
University of Cambridge

"Defending Conformity in an Era of Fragmentation and Under the Shadow of 'Brexit'"

Not recorded

11 March 2016

Dr Danae Azaria

"Treaties on Transit Pipelines: A European Perspective"

  Not recorded



Michaelmas Term






14 October 2015

Professor Amandine Garde
University of Liverpool

"Pure Perfection? The EU Alcohol Strategy - It's Not What it Seems to Be"


21 October 2015

Professor Angus Johnston
Oxford University

"How "Binding" are the EU's Binding Renewable Energy Targets and Why Does This Matter?"


28 October 2015

Dr Albert Sanchez Graells
University of Bristol

"Assessing Public Administration's Intention in EU Economic Law: Chasing Ghosts or Dressing Windows?"


Not recorded

4 November 2015

Professor Blanaid Clarke
Trinity College, Dublin

"Datafin Revisited: Judicial Review During a Takeover Bid"

Not recorded


11 November 2015

Dr Michèle Finck
London School of Economics

"Above and Below the Surface: Two Models of Subnational Authorities in EU Law"


Not recorded

18 November 2015

Dr Eilionóir Flynn
Centre for Disability Law and Policy, NUI Galway

"Voices of Individuals Collectively Exploring Self-Determination - A New Paradigm for Legal Capacity Research"


25 November 2015

Dr Mario Mendez
Queen Mary, University of London

"The EU's Rules of Constitutional Change and the Case for Reform: Insights from Comparative Law"


Not recorded

2 December 2015

Dr Orla Lynskey
London School of Economics

"Between Independence, Integration and Rights: The Challenges of Data Protection Enforcement in the EU"