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Centre for European Legal Studies
People overview
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Research Visitors
Research Visitors overview
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Activities overview
Seminar series
Seminar series overview
2023-2024 Seminars
2022-2023 Seminars
2021-2022 Seminars
2020-2021 Seminars
2019-2020 Seminars
2018-2019 Seminars
2017-2018 Seminars
2016-2017 Seminars
2015-2016 Seminars
2014-2015 Seminars
2013-2014 Seminars
2012-2013 Seminars
2011-2012 Seminars
2010-2011 Seminars
2009-2010 Seminars
2008-2009 Seminars
2007-2008 Seminars
2006-2007 Seminars
2005-2006 Seminars
2004-2005 Seminars
2003-2004 Seminars
2002-2003 Seminars
Annual events
Other activities archive
Other activities archive overview
Reasons and Context in Comparative Law: Workshop to mark the retirement of Professor John Bell
CELS 25th Anniversary Conference: The Past, Present and Future of European Legal Studies
Network on Britain in Europe (NEWBIE)
The Euro-Crisis Conference
EU Internet Regulation After Google Spain: #dpnet15
EU Internet Regulation After Google Spain: #dpnet15 overview
Programme synopsis
Session recordings
The Future of Registered Partnerships
The Future of Registered Partnerships overview
Programme Synopsis
Conference Programme
Biographies of Speakers
Registration / Booking
Useful Information
Fighting Financial Crime in Europe: Practical aspects of a pan European criminal law
Mackenzie Stuart Lectures
Mackenzie Stuart Lectures overview
2023: 'Why the European Convention on Human Rights still matters'
2022: 'Saving Football from Itself: Why and How to Re-make EU Sports Law'
2020: 'Membership of the EU: Formal and Substantive Dimensions'
2019: 'Making Markets Work: New Challenges for EU Competition Law'
2018: 'What Price Sovereignty? Brexit and Human Rights'
2017: 'Is Globalisation Faltering?'
2016: 'Investment Arbitration and EU Law'
2015: 'Facing Legal Challenges in US - EU Relations'
2014: 'The United Kingdom and the EU: Inevitably Drifting Apart?'
2013: 'Interesting Times'
2012: 'The EU as a Source of Inspiration'
2011: '40 Years an EU Lawyer - Apologia pro vita sua'
2009: 'Addressing Linguistic Transparency in the ECJ'
2007: 'Human Rights in the 21st Century'
2007: 'Human Rights in the 21st Century' overview
The 2007 Mackenzie Stuart Lecture: 'Human Rights in the 21st Century' Photographs
2006: 'Trusting Judges to Deliver Changes; EU Social Policies and the Case of Italy'
2005: 'Constitutional Developments in Europe'
2004: 'The Health of Nations'
Publications overview
Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies
Working and Policy Papers
Books and Monographs
Brexit overview
CELS Podcast Documentary
@2903cb Documentary Podcast by Catherine Barnard
CELS Brexit Symposium March 2019
Brexit #turbotalks video collection
#EU Ask video collection
Free Movement of Persons and the New Legal Order
Free Movement of Persons and the New Legal Order overview
Catherine Barnard: Could free movement of persons be confined to free movement of workers in any Brexit deal?
Anand Menon: Towards a Hard Brexit
Charlotte O'Brien: Brexit, free movement and welfare: we must bring evidence back into fashion
Philipp Speitler: Where have all the vision(arie)s gone?
Brexit week
Brexit A-Z
Brexit myths
Centre for European Legal Studies
Centre for European Legal Studies
Mackenzie Stuart Lectures