Marianne Hundahl Frandsen (AAU, Denmark) will give a CELS lunchtime seminar on: "European Passengers' Rights to Compensation: What are the Rights that Apply in this Area?".
The development of the European tourism industry has led to the creation of a new consumer law area: passengers’ rights. The rights are given in Regulations for the four transport areas: air, rail, maritime and coach. These four Regulations provide duties for the transport companies and also contain different rights for the passenger. One of these rights is the right to compensation. The Regulations have two different sets of compensation: 1. the right to compensation when the passenger suffers a personal injury, which is only regulated for the rail and coach passenger. 2. The right to compensation when the transport company breach the contract by a cancellation, a delay or an overbooking. This right will be my focus in the presentation: The right is regulated for all four transport areas and contains some differences and some similarities. Some of the Regulations are unclear in relation to the terms for access to the compensation. Finally, I reflect on a possible (missing) link between the passenger’s right to compensation and the right to information.
The talk will take place at 1:05pm – 1:55pm in lecture room B16, Faculty of Law.
A sandwich lunch is provided at 12:45pm.
There is no charge for lunch or to attend the seminar.
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