Speaker: Professor Alison Jones, Kings College London
Title: 'Fighting Corruption and Collusion in Public Procurement in England & Wales: Problems, Challenges and Proposals for Reform'
Abstract: Alison Jones will present a paper she has recently started working on relating to fighting corruption (bribery) and supplier collusion (through bid rigging or collusive tendering) in the public procurement sector in England & Wales. The research is still at early stages, but has led to concern that corruption and collusion in the public procurement sector may be going unchecked in England & Wales. The presentation will examine why this concern has arisen and why it may be a significant problem that requires addressing. It will set out some preliminary thoughts on what reforms or steps could be taken to prevent and deter such harmful conduct from occurring in the future, and how to detect and punish it when it does happen.
Enquiries to: cels@law.cam.ac.uk