Speaker: Dr Julian Ghosh QC, One Essex Court/KCL
Biography: Dr Julian Ghosh QC is a Visiting Professor at KCL; a Bye-Fellow at Peterhouse and a Preceptor at Corpus; he is a practising Barrister (QC in both England and Scotland) in taxation, public law and EU law and Deputy Judge of the Upper Tribunal.
Abstract: Having left the EU on 31 January 2020 and after the expiry of the Implementation Period on 31 December 2020, UK Law, quite literally, seeks to “retain” EU law in frozen form as at 31 December 2020. This exercise of trying to “freeze” a system of law is unique. The status of “retained EU law” within UK law raises important (difficult) questions of principle and application. I shall address and try to answer at least some of these questions. “Retained EU law” is, furthermore, subject to the introduction of the Trade and Co-operation Agreement; the enactment of the TCA into UK law raises separate (and even more difficult) questions of principle, especially as to supremacy and direct effect, (the TCA is not supposed to have either legal feature but may have been inadvertently attributed with these, in its introduction into UK domestic law) which I shall (again) air and try to answer.
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