Speaker: Judge Tamara Perišin, General Court of the European Union
Biography: Professor Tamara Perišin, MJur (Oxon), PhD, Judge at the EU General Court since September 2019. Previously Perišin held Jean Monnet Chair at the University of Zagreb, coordinated the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence “EU’s Global Leadership in the Rule of Law”, and was a John Hervey Gregory Visiting Professor of Law and World Organization at Harvard Law School. Perišin has studied at the University of Oxford (Chevening), the Asser Institute, Georgetown University, the University of Michigan (Fulbright), CEU Budapest, the Max Planck Institute, and Harvard University. She has authored and edited books for Hart, Springer, Asser Press and other publishers, published articles in international journals, and was the Editor-in-Chief of the Croatian Yearbook of European Law and Policy. She participated in Croatia’s EU accession negotiations.
Abstract: Over the last few years, the CJEU’s jurisprudence on the rule of law has sped forward at warp speed. This development has been fuelled by the inflow of cases reaching the CJEU through the most diverse procedural mechanisms such as infringement procedures brought by the Commission or States, preliminary references from national courts seeking to disapply their own national rules or by courts doubting standards in another State, and also through the direct actions of individuals. In cases primarily handled by the General Court, individuals as non-privileged applicants have questioned the rule of law standards in Member States, in third countries, and, perhaps most interestingly, have queried the observance of this value by the EU itself. The vigilance of individuals has always been essential for the development of the EU legal order, as individuals have sought to ensure that Member States comply with EU law. One wonders whether ensuring the vigilance of individuals at the EU level through standing rules before EU courts is equally relevant for guaranteeing EU-wide rule of law.
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