Cambridge 21st - 22nd September 2009
Venue room: LG 17, Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge, 10 West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DZ
Principal Organisers: Patricia Howse, (UK ACFE) and Professor John Spencer (University of Cambridge)
Are we inexorably heading towards a European criminal law ? What safeguards exist for the Defence in pan European investigations ? How does OLAF, the Community’s 10 year old anti fraud unit, go about its business ? What can we do to combat and reduce fraud in Europe ? Will the new European Evidence Warrant help – and how will it work ?
These questions and many others will be debated by practitioners, academics and policymakers from the UK and other Member States of the European Union, including:
Richard Alderman, Director SFO,
Mike Bowron, QPM, Commissioner of City of London Police,
Detective Superintendent David Clarke, City of London Police,
Dr Maria Gavouneli, Asst. Professor of International Law, University of Athens,
Dr Lothar Kuhl, OLAF,
Professor Mike Levi, University of Cardiff,
Monty Raphael, Peters & Peters,
Vivian Robinson, QC, General Counsel, SFO,
Professor John Spencer, University of Cambridge,
Dr Constantin Stefanou, IALS,
Dr Simone White, OLAF,
Ros Wright, CB, QC., Fraud Advisory Panel,
Sandra Quinn, Attorney General's Office
Dr Helen Xanthaki, IALS
Please note that this conference is in English only.
This conference carries 9.5 CPD points and is funded with support from the European Commission's Hercule Programme.
A draft conference programme is available to download.
We invite Association/OLAF delegates to send one official participant (whose travel and conference expenses will be paid under the Hercule funding arrangements), together with any additional delegates at their own expense.
Please note that the official delegate must make his/her own travel arrangements and will be reimbursed up to a maximum of Euros 400 in total. The accommodation costs at Robinson College, lunch, dinner at Emmanuel College and registration fee of the official delegate will be paid by the conference organisers.
Conference Papers
Please see below a list of conference papers:
- 'Fighting Financial Crime in Europe' (Sandra Quinn, Attorney General's Office)
- 'Criminal Fraud Investigations' (Vivian Robinson, QC, General Counsel, SFO)
- 'Asset Tracing and Confiscation Investigations' (Lorna Harris, former Head of International Co-operation Unit, Crown Office)
- 'Practical International Assistance' (Bob Evans, Director, Outreach & Tony Wilson, IA Legal Adviser)
- 'The framework decision on defence rights - prospects for revival?' (Valsamis Mitsilegas, Queen Mary University of London)
- '10 years of OLAF investigations' (Lothar Kuhl, European Commission, European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF))
- 'EU Initiatives and Framework Decisions' (John Spencer, University of Cambridege)
- 'Administrative investigations in EU Institutions. Is OLAF capable of doing the job?' (plus abstract) (Dr Constantin Stefanou, IALS)
- 'Can OLAF really handle administrative investigations effectively? ' (Dr. Helen Xanthaki, IALS)