Lent Term
21 January 2015
Louise Halleskov Storgaard
Aarhus University
"Opinion 2/13 on EU Accession to the ECHR"
28 January 2015
Marios Costa
City University London
"Accountability through Transparency and the Role of the Court of Justice"
4 February 2015
Professor Sionaidh Douglas-Scott (University of Oxford), Professor Steve Peers (University of Essex), Professor Catherine Barnard and Dr Alicia Hinarejos (University of Cambridge)
CELS Panel Discussion: "After Opinion 2/13: the Autonomy of EU Law v. ECHR Accession"
11 February 2015
Jeremias Prassl
Oxford University
"Freedom of Contract in EU Law: from General Principle to Fundamental Right?"
18 February 2015
Oana Stefan
Kings College London
"European Union Soft Law: Taking Stock of the Transparency Paradox"
25 February 2015
Rosa Greaves
University of Glasgow
"Article 101 TFEU and Maritime Information Exchange Agreements"
Not recorded
4 March 2015
Marcin Wujczyk
Jagiellonian University, Poland
"The Anti-Discriminatory Regulations in Employment - Polish Perspective"